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The Hen & Chickens, Baldock

51 South Road
Phone: 01462894111

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Graham Coombs left this review about The Hen & Chickens

A pleasant out-of-town local with an atmosphere like being in someone's front room. Sadly just GK IPA and Doom Bar on as cask ales but condition was ok. Be warned, it is a longer walk out than it looks!

On 24th March 2024 - rating: 6
[User has posted 3406 recommendations about 3342 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Komakino . left this review about The Hen & Chickens

Another out of town pub which was holding a bikers' convention during my whistle-stop visit. A small L-shaper internally, a very good blues-rock band played in an area to the right, with a throng of good-natured spectators surrounding the remaining area in and around the chamfered bar, which proffered GK IPA, Tring Side Pocket and New River London Tap (halves of the latter two very good and £1.90 each, served by a "on-the-money" barmaid). I might have caught this place at an exceptionally good time, and a midweek night visit could alter my opinion vastly, but you can only go on what you see, and I was mighty impressed with what I saw. Good work all around.

On 7th August 2017 - rating: 7
[User has posted 1075 recommendations about 1075 pubs]