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The Oxford Arms, Hereford

111 Widemarsh Street
Phone: 07736714823

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Quinno _ left this review about The Oxford Arms

Old skool two room boozer on CAMRA's heritage list (* listing). Black beams, white walls with inlaid wood struts. There’s no obvious difference between the bars on the public/lounge delimiter. Impressive large garden. One cask, a surprisingly good Wye Valley HPA (NBSS 3.5) with plenty of local banter to accompany. Not a bad shout, much better than I anticipated. 6.5

On 7th May 2024 - rating: 6
[User has posted 5386 recommendations about 5369 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Just a quick pint, then I'm off left this review about Oxford Arms

Traditional side-street pub beyond the market area and football ground, with an unspoilt twin-bar layout and a separate small pool room at the back. Nothing fancy, and in some ways all the better for that. Just Wye Valley HPA (£3.20, and in great shape) from the two regular handpumps, and 'sadly' an upturned glass on the bespoke Doom Bar pump. With a friendly welcome from the landlady, and a bit of good-natured discussion with the other guest, this place was a pleasure to visit in these difficult times.

On 22nd July 2020 - rating: 7
[User has posted 8344 recommendations about 8343 pubs]