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Pubs Galore Crawl Autumn/Winter 2024 with Tris39 on the Pub Forum

The Bull, Elm Park, Dagenham

Rainham Road South
RM10 8AQ

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Reviews (Current Rating Average: 3 of 10) Add Review see review guidelines

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

hondo . left this review about The Bull

now a shop

On 29th May 2015 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 2905 recommendations about 2842 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

Rex Rattus left this review about The Bull Tavern

This is a large pub set on a major roundabout. You know which part of the world you're in when the pub displays an enormous West Ham United Banner, and the only bit of decor worth mentioning is a framed portrait of Bobby Moore. The pub itself is very ordinary inside. The main bar area is in front of you as you enter, but with another very large room down a few stairs on the left. There's a fair bit of seating out at the front, but is not somewhere you would be able to enjoy a quiet pint as the traffic is non-stop. Furnishings are very simple and plain normal tables and chairs, there is more than the usual quota of fruit machines and the like, and of course the large flat screen TVs are present as well.

There's no real ale of course, and I didn't see any menus or signs of food when I was in on Wednesday lunchtime. There's some car parking on the right of the pub, so I would expect them to get a bit of passing trade, but the interior has the classic look of a locals' pub. I doubt whether I'll be paying a return visit.

On 4th May 2013 - rating: 3
[User has posted 2606 recommendations about 2520 pubs]

Please Note: This review is over a year old.

andrew parr left this review about The Bull Tavern

worse than the railway.

On 10th June 2008 - no rating submitted
[User has posted 105 recommendations about 100 pubs]