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Virtue, Hastings

Pub added by Graham Mason
53 Robertson Street
TN34 1HY

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Page: 1 2
21st Jan 2019, 22:25
Request to mark pub as closed by Graham Coombs approved
21st Jan 2019, 22:22
Picture submitted by Graham Coombs approvedmore
21st Jan 2019, 22:07
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by Graham Coombs, with included notes: For sale:
21st Jan 2019, 22:07
Picture submitted by Graham Coombsmore
30th Aug 2016, 21:04
Picture submitted by peter ashworth approvedmore
30th Aug 2016, 12:01
Picture submitted by peter ashworthmore
19th Feb 2016, 21:11
Review submitted by Strongers .more
30th Jan 2016, 17:44
Picture submitted by Strongers . approvedmore
30th Jan 2016, 17:14
Pub map correction submitted by Strongers . approved
30th Jan 2016, 17:14
Pub map correction submitted by Strongers .
30th Jan 2016, 17:12
Picture submitted by Strongers .more
23rd Nov 2015, 11:55
Web Link submitted by Strongers . approved
23rd Nov 2015, 08:33
Web Link submitted by Strongers .
2nd Sep 2015, 10:44
Request to mark pub as open by ROB Camra approved
2nd Sep 2015, 10:44
Request to mark pub as open submitted by ROB Camra, with included notes: Reopen according to South East Sussex CAMRA
2nd Aug 2015, 22:08
Request to mark pub as closed by Strongers . approved
2nd Aug 2015, 21:07
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by Strongers ., with included notes: Temporary: Electric Stag is being refurbished. It is also being renamed to something like Land Elektro.
15th Oct 2013, 14:46
Request to add pub to area Hastings Town by ROB Camra approved
15th Oct 2013, 14:46
Request to add pub to area Hastings Town by ROB Camra
14th Oct 2013, 20:11
Picture submitted by Graham Mason approvedmore
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