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Cheekys, Chesterfield

Pub added by Will Larter
38 St. Marys Gate
S41 7TH

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Page: 1 2
23rd Oct 2019, 14:53
Picture submitted by peter ashworth approvedmore
23rd Oct 2019, 14:36
Picture submitted by peter ashworthmore
23rd Oct 2019, 10:31
Request to mark pub as open by peter ashworth approved
23rd Oct 2019, 10:08
Request to mark pub as open submitted by peter ashworth, with included notes: Vie is now open again and called Cheekys
4th Aug 2017, 16:01
Request to mark pub as closed by ROB Camra approved
4th Aug 2017, 16:01
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by ROB Camra, with included notes: Other: Closed according to licklist
30th Jul 2012, 17:27
Picture submitted by peter ashworth approvedmore
30th Jul 2012, 15:24
Picture submitted by john mcgraw approvedmore
30th Jul 2012, 15:24
Picture submitted by john mcgraw approvedmore
30th Jul 2012, 15:24
Picture submitted by john mcgraw approvedmore
26th Jul 2012, 10:39
Picture submitted by john mcgrawmore
26th Jul 2012, 10:39
Picture submitted by john mcgrawmore
26th Jul 2012, 10:39
Picture submitted by john mcgrawmore
25th Jul 2012, 09:39
Picture submitted by peter ashworthmore
23rd Jun 2012, 16:40
Request to add pub to area Chesterfield Town by ROB Camra approved
22nd Jun 2012, 19:48
Request to add pub to area Chesterfield Town by ROB Camra
22nd Jun 2012, 16:39
Picture submitted by Will Larter approvedmore
22nd Jun 2012, 16:39
This pub suggested by Will Larter approved
22nd Jun 2012, 16:39
Pub map correction submitted by Will Larter approved
22nd Jun 2012, 16:39
Pub map correction submitted by Will Larter
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