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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

The York, Plainmoor, Torquay

Pub added by Charles Lapa
113 St. Marychurch Road

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Page: 1 2
27th Jun 2013, 19:25
Picture submitted by peter ashworth approvedmore
24th Jun 2013, 23:05
Picture submitted by peter ashworthmore
8th Apr 2011, 23:04
Request to add pub to area Plainmoor by Old Blue approved
8th Apr 2011, 11:31
Request to add pub to area Plainmoor by Old Blue
27th Nov 2010, 14:04
Review submitted by Ania Gahanmore
19th Nov 2010, 08:33
Review submitted by Claire Hewittmore
18th Nov 2010, 20:38
Review submitted by Beggars Beliefmore
17th Nov 2010, 18:54
Review submitted by carrina webbmore
24th Mar 2010, 13:42
Picture submitted by Charles Lapa approvedmore
24th Mar 2010, 13:42
Picture submitted by Charles Lapa approvedmore
24th Mar 2010, 13:42
Picture submitted by Charles Lapa approvedmore
24th Mar 2010, 01:55
Review submitted by Max Phillipsmore
24th Mar 2010, 01:22
Picture submitted by Charles Lapamore
24th Mar 2010, 01:20
Picture submitted by Charles Lapamore
24th Mar 2010, 01:18
Picture submitted by Charles Lapamore
20th Mar 2010, 12:40
Web Link submitted by Charles Lapa approved
20th Mar 2010, 12:40
Picture submitted by Charles Lapa approvedmore
20th Mar 2010, 12:40
This pub suggested by Charles Lapa approved
20th Mar 2010, 12:40
Web Link submitted by Charles Lapa
20th Mar 2010, 12:40
Picture submitted by Charles Lapamore
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