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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

The Exmoor White Horse Inn, Minehead

Pub added by elizabeth mcgraw
Postal town: Minehead
TA24 7PY
Phone: 01643831229

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3rd Jan 2017, 17:53
Pub map correction submitted by Jonathan Wilde approved
3rd Jan 2017, 17:53
Pub map correction submitted by Jonathan Wilde
7th Nov 2014, 21:59
Picture submitted by peter ashworth approvedmore
7th Nov 2014, 14:25
Picture submitted by peter ashworthmore
30th Sep 2011, 10:54
Web Link submitted by Philip Gaskin approvedmore
18th Sep 2011, 09:46
Web Link submitted by Philip Gaskinmore
16th Jul 2011, 14:32
Review submitted by BobOs .more
15th Jan 2011, 14:20
Review submitted by Paris Hiltonmore
15th Dec 2007, 00:45
This pub suggested by elizabeth mcgraw approved
14th Dec 2007, 13:29
This pub suggested by elizabeth mcgraw