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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

Oceana, Birmingham

Hurst Street
B5 4TE

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24th Jun 2015, 13:33
Request to mark pub as closed by Old Boots approved
24th Jun 2015, 13:33
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by Old Boots, with included notes: Gone away: Info from Danny O'Revey
24th Jun 2015, 13:02
Review submitted by Danny O'Reveymore
8th Mar 2014, 09:21
Picture submitted by Graham Mason approvedmore
8th Mar 2014, 09:21
Picture submitted by Graham Mason approvedmore
7th Mar 2014, 14:44
Picture submitted by Graham Masonmore
7th Mar 2014, 14:44
Picture submitted by Graham Masonmore
13th Dec 2013, 15:21
Picture submitted by peter ashworth approvedmore
9th Dec 2013, 16:42
Picture submitted by peter ashworthmore
15th Mar 2011, 17:50
Request to add pub to area Birmingham Central by Andy Ven approved
15th Mar 2011, 17:50
Request to add pub to area Birmingham Central by Andy Ven
4th Mar 2010, 17:45
Pub map correction submitted by Andy Ven approved
4th Mar 2010, 17:45
Pub map correction submitted by Andy Ven
6th Sep 2007, 23:38
Picture submitted by Carl Baker approvedmore
6th Sep 2007, 17:17
Picture submitted by Carl Bakermore