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Ty Hanner Ffordd, Y Felinheli

Halfway House
Y Felinheli
LL56 4JQ

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22nd Jan 2016, 11:05
Request to mark pub as closed by ROB Camra approved
22nd Jan 2016, 11:05
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by ROB Camra, with included notes: Gone away: To be converted to 4 houses.
22nd Jan 2016, 11:05
Request to mark pub as open by ROB Camra approved
22nd Jan 2016, 11:05
Request to mark pub as open submitted by ROB Camra
5th Sep 2015, 21:16
Picture submitted by Will Larter approvedmore
5th Sep 2015, 21:15
Picture submitted by Will Larter approvedmore
5th Sep 2015, 20:27
Picture submitted by Will Lartermore
5th Sep 2015, 20:27
Picture submitted by Will Lartermore
5th Sep 2015, 20:26
Request to mark pub as closed by Will Larter approved
5th Sep 2015, 20:26
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by Will Larter, with included notes: Temporary: Pub sign still standing, so the extensive works going on may be a refurbishment- or possibly a conversion to other uses?
4th Oct 2012, 18:29
Picture submitted by Wynne Route approvedmore
4th Oct 2012, 18:29
Picture submitted by Wynne Route approvedmore
4th Oct 2012, 18:29
Picture submitted by Wynne Route approvedmore
4th Oct 2012, 17:04
Picture submitted by Wynne Routemore
4th Oct 2012, 17:04
Picture submitted by Wynne Routemore
4th Oct 2012, 17:03
Picture submitted by Wynne Routemore
1st Dec 2011, 19:53
Pub map correction submitted by Alan Hurdle approved
1st Dec 2011, 19:53
Pub map correction submitted by Alan Hurdle
4th Apr 2011, 22:24
Request to add pub to area Y Felinheli Centre by Oggwyn Great approved
4th Apr 2011, 19:24
Request to add pub to area Y Felinheli Centre by Oggwyn Great