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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

Hope & Anchor, Cardigan

51 Pendre
SA43 1JS

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2nd Nov 2019, 13:07
Picture submitted by Will Larter approvedmore
2nd Nov 2019, 12:45
Picture submitted by Will Lartermore
16th Sep 2019, 14:52
Request to mark pub as closed by ROB Camra approved
16th Sep 2019, 14:52
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by ROB Camra, with included notes: Other: Closed according to Teifi Valley CAMRA. Google agrees.
28th Jul 2019, 00:01
Picture submitted by peter ashworth approvedmore
27th Jul 2019, 23:24
Picture submitted by peter ashworthmore
6th Jul 2015, 23:33
Picture submitted by Blackthorn _ approvedmore
6th Jul 2015, 23:33
Picture submitted by Blackthorn _ approvedmore
6th Jul 2015, 22:32
Picture submitted by Blackthorn _more
6th Jul 2015, 22:32
Picture submitted by Blackthorn _more
12th Aug 2013, 17:56
Picture submitted by Paul Brett approvedmore
10th Aug 2013, 23:06
Picture submitted by Paul Brettmore
21st May 2013, 12:59
Picture submitted by Old Boots approvedmore
21st May 2013, 12:59
Picture submitted by Old Boots approvedmore
19th May 2013, 16:37
Picture submitted by Old Bootsmore
19th May 2013, 16:37
Picture submitted by Old Bootsmore
16th Jan 2012, 23:55
Request to add pub to area Cardigan Town by Alan Hurdle approved
13th Jan 2012, 11:43
Request to add pub to area Cardigan Town by Alan Hurdle
12th Jan 2012, 04:15
Pub map correction submitted by Alan Hurdle approved
12th Jan 2012, 04:15
Pub map correction submitted by Alan Hurdle