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Reviewing milestone with Mobyduck on the Pub Forum

The Balcony, Hardwick, Stockton-On-Tees

Harrowgate Lane
TS19 8SL

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14th Sep 2016, 12:00
Review submitted by hondo .more
10th Feb 2015, 09:25
Request to mark pub as closed by ROB Camra approved
10th Feb 2015, 09:25
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by ROB Camra, with included notes: Other: Closed according to Cleveland CAMRA. No tweets or Facebook usage since mid 2014.
3rd Jun 2014, 22:36
Pub map correction submitted by David McNally approved
28th Apr 2014, 16:41
Pub map correction submitted by David McNally
4th Apr 2013, 15:42
Request to add pub to area Hardwick by Old Boots approved
4th Apr 2013, 15:42
Request to add pub to area Hardwick by Old Boots
1st Mar 2011, 22:41
Picture submitted by Nicola Blowman deleted by owner
1st Mar 2011, 22:38
Review submitted by Nicola Blowman deleted by Nicola Blowman
26th Jul 2007, 19:49
Picture submitted by Nicola Blowman approved
26th Jul 2007, 19:49
Review submitted by Nicola Blowman
26th Jul 2007, 19:48
Picture submitted by Nicola Blowman