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The Longship, Hebburn

Ushaw Road
NE31 2YA
Phone: 01914837091

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John Barras (Spirit Pubs)
3rd Apr 2016, 20:48
Picture submitted by Will Larter approvedmore
3rd Apr 2016, 20:48
Picture submitted by Will Larter approvedmore
3rd Apr 2016, 20:46
Picture submitted by Will Lartermore
3rd Apr 2016, 20:46
Picture submitted by Will Lartermore
28th Dec 2015, 19:29
Web Link submitted by Just a quick pint, then I'm off approvedmore
28th Dec 2015, 19:29
Web Link submitted by Just a quick pint, then I'm offmore
28th Apr 2015, 02:56
Pub map correction submitted by Alan Hurdle approved
28th Apr 2015, 02:56
Pub map correction submitted by Alan Hurdle
26th Mar 2011, 00:00
Request to add pub to area Hebburn Town by ROB Camra approved
25th Mar 2011, 16:25
Request to add pub to area Hebburn Town by ROB Camra