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Beer of the Week (w/e 5th May 2024) with aleandhearty on the Pub Forum

Maidens, Reading

Pub added by elizabeth mcgraw
232 Shinfield Road

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10th Sep 2018, 22:50
Request to remove pub from area Reading University by Quinno _ approved
10th Sep 2018, 22:50
Request to remove pub from area Reading University by Quinno _
12th Dec 2012, 13:39
Request to mark pub as closed by Quinno _ approved
9th Dec 2012, 14:39
Review submitted by Quinno _ amended by Quinno _
9th Dec 2012, 14:39
Request to mark pub as closed submitted by Quinno _, with included notes: Other: Boarded up December 2012
5th Nov 2012, 18:53
Review submitted by Quinno _ amended by Quinno _
31st Aug 2012, 16:00
Web Link submitted by Quinno _ approvedmore
7th Jul 2012, 14:36
Web Link submitted by Quinno _more
5th May 2011, 13:57
Review submitted by Quinno _ amended by Quinno _
22nd Mar 2011, 21:42
Request to add pub to area Reading South by Quinno _ approved
22nd Mar 2011, 21:40
Request to add pub to area Reading University by Quinno _ approved
21st Mar 2011, 13:59
Request to add pub to area Reading University by Quinno _
21st Mar 2011, 13:26
Request to add pub to area Reading South by Quinno _
19th Mar 2011, 00:06
Picture submitted by Quinno _ approvedmore
18th Mar 2011, 21:13
Picture submitted by Quinno _more
15th Feb 2011, 13:17
Pub map correction submitted by Quinno _ approved
15th Feb 2011, 13:17
Pub map correction submitted by Quinno _
14th Feb 2011, 18:54
Review submitted by Quinno _
28th Feb 2008, 21:13
This pub suggested by elizabeth mcgraw approved
28th Feb 2008, 15:12
This pub suggested by elizabeth mcgraw